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Ofsted Inspection 17th and 18th January 2023
Thu 02 Mar 2023Following our recent Ofsted Inspection on the 17th and 18th January 2023, we are delighted to share the final report with you. We were awarded “Good” in every area of the Ofsted Inspection Framework with an overall effectiveness grade of “Good”.
We are pleased that our report highlights our commitment and passion to ensuring our children feel happy and motivated to learn. Our report states that “pupils flourish at High Ongar Primary School as pupil well-being is at the heart of everyday life” and that “leaders provide a wealth of pastoral support to all pupils and especially to those in most need”.
Our deep dive into reading showed that we prioritise reading across the school, teach phonics well and provide children with high quality texts to support their progress. Our recent redesign of our foundation curriculum was celebrated and our report highlights that the whole school curriculum is “broad, ambitious and builds pupil’s knowledge logically over time”. In addition to this, children’s excellent attitude to learning was acknowledged, as “pupils are motivated to learn and rise to the high standards set by their teachers”.
Safeguarding practices are deemed effective and “leaders have ensured pupils know how to stay safe by building in regular safeguarding teaching through the curriculum” and “adults respond swiftly and sensitively to concerns”.
We are extremely proud of our report which demonstrates the hard work of our staff and pupils over the last few years. I would like to thank you all for your on-going support as we continue to work together to do the best for our children. -
Welcome to Arbor
Tue 29 Nov 2022We have recently moved our MIS from SIMS to Arbor which will allow us to communicate with you more efficiently and bring all core school data and workflows into one system. Please see the attached letter (originally sent by email) for details on how to access your account.