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High Ongar Primary School

A school to which we are proud to belong.

10 Special facts about High Ongar Primary School

1. We have 20 lively and enthusiastic minds in every year group

2. We are a small village school and we pride ourselves in knowing each of our children individually, creating a fostering and caring environment

3. In all aspects of the school day children are encourgaed to demonstrate traditional values; kindness, good manners and behaviour and reocgnising right from wrong

4.  We place a particular focus on developing childrens reading skills as we feel this is a particularly important skill that opens doors to all other aspects of learning

5. Creativity and fun are important aspects of the way we do things at HOPS. There is always time and space for children to develop their imagination and thinking skills

6. Termly reports are sent out to parents throughout the shool year as well as two parent consultation evenings. We are comitted to regularly updating parents on childrens progress and this ensures that we are all working together to help our children achieve their very best 

7. Our school building is 160 years old and is in the heart of High Ongar village. We always have and continue to have strong links with St Marys Church

8. We are part of a multi-academy trust and work in partnership with the other school leaders, teachers and children to share best practice

9.We love to enjoy special occasions with children and their families, families are invited in for celebrations such as class assemblies, national events and fundraising activities 

10. Our pastoral support is excellent and we have created a calm, nurturing environment in which 100% of children feel confident to talk to an adult about their worries 


Bridge Academy Trust is a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 07663795.

Registered Office: Community Building, Bridge Academy Trust, Brian Close, Chelmsford, Essex, CM2 9DZ.

Tel: 01245 202 937

Email: [email protected]
